Jewish Schools

Abrams Hebrew Academy Jewish Day School
Nursery School
The Abrams Hebrew Academy nursery program is designed for children ages 2 ½-Pre K to ease the transition from home to school. Combining learning and play, children discover that school is a happy, loving and nurturing place. Learning projects are designed to enhance both cognitive and motor skill development, while developing a strong sense of identity and self-esteem. The program reflects the school’s philosophy; to cultivate a Jewish identity and Jewish values in a supportive, developmentally appropriate way. Children are introduced to Shabbat, the Jewish holidays and Israel through art, music and stories.
Jewish Day School
Abrams welcomes students from Kindergarten-grade 8 and teaches them Judaism in an atmosphere of caring and acceptance, regardless of background and knowledge. Abrams embraces new and innovative education methods and strives to think “outside the box” to provide intellectual stimulation and encourage creative learning.

Adath Israel Congregation Religious School
Adath Israel in Lawrenceville provides a warm, safe, and inclusive religious school environment for all students. The school recognizes that the needs of young learners vary and offers an award-winning Resource Center where students thrive and grow through individualized education.
Adath Israel Religious School inspires students to find a personal, moral, and spiritual connection with Judaism that has meaning in their everyday lives through a multi-disciplinary study of Jewish traditions, Mitzvot, life-cycle rituals, Hebrew language, prayer skills, observance of holidays, and connection to Israel and Jewish history.
For generations, Adath Israel’s experienced and dedicated staff has made learning special and enriching through supplemental specialized art projects, guest speakers, culinary arts, music, and PTO/synagogue-wide programming.

Congregation Beth Chaim
Pre-School and Kindergarten
Beth Chaim Pre-School and Kindergarten has a warm, welcoming, creative Jewish environment with a focus on academics through play. Children from all backgrounds are welcome. The program is designed to teach respect for differences, instill the values of gratitude and compassion, demonstrate kindness through word and action and teach children that everyone is responsible for each other.
Religious School
Beth Chaim students build close relationships with gifted teachers. Classroom time is filled with lively discussions, creative projects and engaging activities as the students use a combination of 21st century skills (teamwork, collaborative learning, information synthesis, creative thinking) to explore, learn and experience their ancient and rich Jewish heritage.

Beth El Synagogue
Torah for Tots
Torah for Tots is an exciting and creative pre-Hebrew School program for children from the ages of 3 1/2 to 5 years old, which is offered during the normal secular school year, twice a month for 1 1/2 hours on Sunday mornings. Children of both members and non-synagogue members may attend these classes, which feature Jewish coloring pages, Jewish stories, information about Jewish holidays and learning Hebrew letters, together with other fun activities, such as a child-friendly Tashlich and a trip to our sukkah.
Religious School
Building a strong foundation through education, Beth El offers a comprehensive religious school program, which instills a respect and love of God, Torah and the values inherent in Jewish traditions in young people.

Har Sinai Temple Religious School
Har Sinai Temple’s Religious School program is beloved because of its enriching curriculum which engages students at all levels.
Students learn in a supportive and caring environment, where they learn and grow as they have fun engaging with Jewish tradition.
For more information, please contact Rabbi Jordan Goldson at 609-730-8100.

The Jewish Center Religious School
The Jewish Center offers an innovative and award-winning Religious School program and curriculum for children Pre-Kindergarten to grade 12. The curriculum is grounded in social and emotional learning, and features experiential learning opportunities, Tikkun Olam, social action initiatives, a professionalized teaching staff, and family education opportunities.

Temple Micah’s The Irving Seligman Religious School
Temple Micah’s objective is to provide all of our children with a basic Jewish Education in holidays, Hebrew, history, and values in the Reform tradition, as well as Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation without placing undue financial pressures on parents. The school strives to provide a positive Jewish experience for all students and their families.