Our Impact
The Jewish Federation touches the lives of thousands of individuals in Greater Mercer County, Israel, and the World.
Working collaboratively with our partners, lay leaders, and experts, we accomplish great things not feasible if attempted alone.

Unify Our Community
- Develop community-wide gatherings and celebrations
- Fund youth and teen programming
- Make Jewish education and camp affordable
- Connect families to our Jewish heritage and tradition
- Encourage literacy and joy in Jewish culture
Combat Antisemitism and Secure Our Community
- Provide our Jewish youth the education and tools to fight antisemitism when encountered
- Celebrate pride in our Jewish heritage
- Advocate and lobby local and state leaders

Care for Vulnerable Jews Locally and Abroad
- Support services for senior citizens and holocaust survivors
- Provide food to insecure families
- Fund medical care for those needing assistance
Photo by Max Dinshtein
Lead in Times of Crises
- When COVID19 hit, we made sure our religious institutions and partner agencies had the supplies they needed to continue to operate
- When Israel came under terrorist fire, we helped to make sure our brothers and sisters hiding in the shelters had access to food and medical supplies

Photo by Olivier-Fitoussi
“Greenwood House is grateful for the generosity of the Federation which supports our Jewish Holiday programming.”
– Neil Wise, Development Director, Greenwood House
“Thanks to the Federation’s support, we are able to provide 30 local, Jewish older adults with a special comfort found in a traditional Shabbat meal. Particularly during the pandemic, maintaining traditions, such as enjoying a regular Shabbat dinner, bring an extra sense of stability to those we serve.”
-Michelle Napell, Executive Director, Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County (JFCS)
“I have been attending the Israeli Fair for many years as a camper and now, as a staff member, I love experiencing it through my campers’ eyes. It’s just magical.”
- Staff Member, JCC Princeton Mercer Bucks